画質 高画質

Copyright(C) cocone connect corp. All Rights Reserved.

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(版権キャラクターのご依頼はキャンセルさせて頂く場合がございます/Requests for copyrighted characters may be denied.)

7 43

Copyright(C) cocone connect corp. All Rights Reserved.

0 3

the person in charge of reporting copyright infringement on Instagram. I have already inquired about this matter. Please review the following as evidenceMy artwork has been stolen by an Instagram user. Please remove it.

Stolen piece:https://t.co/Zokagro9hHhttps://t.co/goqPoqHLEl

3 49

the person in charge of reporting copyright infringement on Instagram. I have already inquired about this matter. Please review the following as evidenceMy artwork has been stolen by an Instagram user. Please remove it.
Stolen piece: https://t.co/MwFn19vrOMhttps://t.co/8z0GjwK6v5

5 130

Hi! My name is Natsu and I'm a Japanese artist!
I work without generating AI. I will not use generation AI until the copyright is clean and the original author of the study is compensated.
I’m always looking for more freelance/work opportunities !

19 43

Some works done for Flesh and Blood TCG last year
AD : Wisnu Tan & LSS Team

Copyright by Ⓒ Legend Story Studios. All Rights Reserved

7 79

版権&FF14自キャラはお受けしていません Copyright & FF14 your character are Not applicable (添付のイラストはアートサンプルです The attached illustrations are sample of my arts.)

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Copyright(C) cocone connect corp. All Rights Reserved.

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Title: Apple (md1: oil painting)

(Mitsua diffusion is an AI for which copyright issues have been resolved using only public domain and opt-in)


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Title: Cicada (md1: abstract painting)

(Mitsua diffusion is an AI for which copyright issues have been resolved using only public domain and opt-in)


0 3

Title: Mechanic robot (md1: abstract painting)

(Mitsua diffusion is an AI for which copyright issues have been resolved using only public domain and opt-in)


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[Commission Work]


This artwork is jointly copyrighted by Reone d. R and NyaGuriSushi
and any unauthorized use may result in legal liability.

18 62

And this is why USCO was correct in their decision to effectively disallow copyright protection for AI outputs. Users have only an illusion of control, quickly dispelled by even the smallest changes in the model. They’re not creating anything, they are simply using a fancy RNG.

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<Copyright 2019. FloppyGames. All rights reserved.>

209 1608


Dear International Clients
Hello! This is Natsu.
I am a Japanese artist
I work without image-generating AI.
I will not use image generation AI until the copyright is clean and the original author of the study is compensated.

33 138

-—--— Please check out NFTart on OpenSea. The URL is available in the profile. -----—

Copyright -rai- 2023. All Rights Reserved.

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-—--— Please check out NFTart on OpenSea. The URL is available in the profile. -----—

Copyright -rai- 2023. All Rights Reserved.

2 4

-—--— Please check out NFTart on OpenSea. The URL is available in the profile. -----—

Copyright -rai- 2023. All Rights Reserved.

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