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Tablos DBAF Origins - Stand nº 136

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vs some art I did comparing Super to AF, I know AF isn't real but its fun to compare.

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I have a strong feeling that Toyotaro and Toriyama have been taking ideas from But if you take a lot of things that's happened in super and compared to AF there's a lot of similarities.

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💥Dragon Ball AF💥
🔥Alfa Sheron & Devil Gohan vs Vegeta SSJ 9🔥

🔥Alpha Sheron & Devil Gohan vs Vegeta SSJ 9🔥

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So Xicor is Basically a new version of Goku Black/Zamasu right, I know there are differences but it's pretty similar.

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Es impresionante hasta donde ha llegado DBAF, cada día más canon

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Donc maintenant Toyotaro prends des inspirations chez le concurrent ? (Dbaf Young jijii)

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Aiezu modern interpretation. Ize is Youngjijii's DBAF villain. His main design problem is that it was just Cooler and Freeza with more "evil" colors, it wasn't very original... I tried to make it more unique without going into the "darkness", I hope it sounds better and original.

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Les codes couleurs c'est pratique pour faire comprendre les changements de puissance mais je comprends que tu préfères les designs à la DBAF ahah

En vrai y'a toujours moyen que Toyotarô recycle des idées pour DBS, puis les designs qu'il propose sont déjà tops ! 🙏

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🔥Una gran Colaboración🔥 para mi amigo .

Hataru SSJ Legendario vs Clinor ssj & Charuzu ssj batallando en el Planeta Namek.

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Muchos teorisaban en aquellos años, que fasha era la madre de gine, también cuando fue la época dorada de DBAF desían que la madre de goku se llamaba sharotto (obvio, esto solamente por los fans)

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