Hey, remember that thing I used to do before life got crazy? Look I did it again!!

Here’s a “daily” for in general, or really any game you play that you desire to adapt the stats for.

If you see typos, feel free to let me know. 😁

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I really liked my design for my for so I decided to draw a portrait. Haven't done solid lineart for ages, but I felt like it, so I went for it! Which style do you prefer? The more sketchy outlines or the solid ones? I just can't decide!🙃

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Всем привет, меня зовут Ксения, и я уже 5 лет играю в НРИ и пару лет вожу модули (а ещё рисую на тему). За это время я успела познакомиться со словесками, GURPS, DND5e, Pathfinder и ризусом, и за игровым столом я всегда встречала много женщин. НРИ - для всех!

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Just working on some assets for the cartography work I'm doing in 2020. A little blurring since I rez'd-up the images for IG.⁠

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Just working on some assets for the cartography work I'm doing in 2020. A little blurring since I rez'd-up the images for IG.

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Hey and of I want to hear about your PCs and NPCs! Who are they? What drives them? How do you represent?

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Ghesh's Guide to Making Things, a guide to equipment crafting for has gone through layout and is now almost ready for release. Look for it early next week on

This project has been in the works for over a year now and seeing it finalized truly feels unreal.

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