[New creature on Opensea] Dok-heuk-ri
A fox or lynx-like creature; jet black fur coats its body, yet its head remains furless. Its lifespan exceeds thirty centuries and is considered wiser than human beings.

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Day 3 of - KOROK 🍃

Meet the wise & theatrical elder Korok -- DOK -- writer ✍️ artist 🎨 collector 📚 & thinker 🧠 He taught himself to read & write by studying the ancient texts of the nearby forests.

Just beware of his terrible handwriting...

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Haloo dok izin nitip ya. Yuk yang mau digambarin segemoy ini bisa DM ya. Terima kasih

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This might be the worst alternate version of Spider-Man I've ever read.

Not only the costume and the concept is stupid AF, it appears she's the direct cause of her universes' Dok Ock going into his villain arc.

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Dok bought her a stack! / 독타가 대신 잔뜩 사줬어!

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🌟 cw // spoiler


Kalian kalo nyebut nama Dokja kan pasti di eja Dok-Ja.

Kenapa Dok—ja?

Kenapa bukan Dok—bangunnya kapan??

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feliz aniversario dok caralho que vc viva muito🎉🎊:D

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Bismillaah permisi bu dok titip jasa desain, hri ini moga2 bnyk yg order art,fee seikhlasnya tuk survive di masa sulit ini. Smg kita smw sehat & sukses selalu, amiin
DM/WA 0812 9042 1115

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Kereeen pak dok

Bismillaah permisi pakdok titip jasa desain, hri ini moga2 bnyk yg order art,fee seikhlasnya tuk survive di masa sulit ini. Smg kita smw sehat & sukses selalu, amiin
DM/WA 0812 9042 1115

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Bismillaah permisi pak dok titip jasa desain, hri ini moga2 bnyk yg order art,fee seikhlasnya tuk survive di masa sulit ini. Smg kita smw sehat & sukses selalu, amiin
DM/WA 0812 9042 1115

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Selamat pagi menjelang siang bu dok

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Loud and proud Nile Dok stan, because he is the only actual DILF. Fight me😤 https://t.co/JLAr4wgggm

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The Party Members (1/3)
🐮 Phaedra, Minotaur Bard
🐶 Dok, Canikin Rogue

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Yes it’s bu dok

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Dah ah kome semua dok komen kata ni abewan 🥲😭😭😭 what if ni husbubu sayew artem kepak? 🥺🫶🫶🫶🫶 https://t.co/ufIyaPhZPt

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