She's back to claim new souls.

| Cynthia, pokemon dppt & sp bd |

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And for reference, the 2nd outfit is from HGSS, not DPPt. They used her outfit from the original GSC (since they took place at the same time), the redesign outfit was used again in BW2, but this is a completely different dress.

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thank u for reminding me i need to play that LMFAO, i was thinking more along the lines of an unholy cross between an imac, the dppt pokedex, this dreamcast thing and the pods from nier automata

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even tho i made her during dppt, i apparently shipped her with N? multiple generation daughter. (2011 art that i definitely didnt draw and only pretended i did)

yall remember bases on deviantart?

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dppt are super important to me and im committed to sketching my whole team, starting with a remake of my og starter, Anta! Drawing her as a piplup is funny considering she's always just been an empoleon (the art on the right is . two levels of ancient gdfkhgk).

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DPPt 추억을 회상하며 그렸습니다.
브릴리언트... 샤이닝... 뭐요? 잘 모르겟는데요?

19 170

i wish there was more concept art of the dppt era 😭

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배경으로 보아 브다샤펄에서는 갤럭시단을 상대로 배틀할 때에도 대기 중 취하는 모션이 있는 듯 합니다.
DPPT 때는 모자 위에 손을 올렸다가 뻗는 동작만 있어서 이번 동작은 파동의 용사 루카리오에서 나왔던 파동술사들의 자세를 오마쥬한 것으로 보입니다.

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Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl but someone turned out the lights and now Lucas is just sitting in the void

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dppt sequel where cyrus inexplicably comes back years later and rochelle wants to interview him and its just that scene from bobs burgers where louise is on the phone with mickey the burglar

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Just a little two hour doodle drawing of turtwig lol🥰 I hope you guys like it!

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Gardenia color wip ✏️ pokemon dppt

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