day 1 & 2! DQ11 is my favorite game and Sylvando is my fav all time character in the series. Both pics related will make me cry uncontrollably !!!

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Day 2 - Favorite character! Mortamor!

Mortamor may be a monster, and a Demon Lord at that, but he's always held a special place in my heart. And don't worry, I'm not drawing him again for day 3!

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Sunday : Favorite main game

This one goes to Dragon quest V which is not only my favorite Dragon quest, but also one of my favorite game ever🙌
Special thanks to: for making me aware of the challenge & for making it

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day 2: favorite character
local man gets bullied by what's presumably a child, accidentally acquires a new friend

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Favorite character: Ashlynn (DQ6)
Carefree, jovial, literally magical, a bit innocent and always ready to help. Not only that, I think she had the most chilling backstory and certainly puts a lot of pressure on the poor girl.

Art: lizbeat

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Day 2 - Favorite Character? Aquila. I love angel dad so much.

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Day 2: Favorite Character

Sylvando! He's confident, dramatic, and just here to enjoy the ride. As someone who's emotionally sensitive, I really resonate with his M.O. to make the world smile, and his parade is one of my favorite moments for that reason!

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ah this week, and monday is for us to pick our favorite character? Aight, uuh that one.

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Day 1 (I know, I'm late, but Day 2 is done and will be up soon): Favorite Main Game

I've only played one main game so far... but Dragon Quest XI S is already one of my favorite games of all time. I love the world, characters, and atmosphere. Hope to play more soon!

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Day 2: Favourite character!
He..... a ray of sunshine.... I love him with all of my heart

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Favorite character? How can I choose only one?! I have a crush on Marcello and Angelo from They are definitely interesting deep characters. They make my imagination run wild! Angelo's English VA has such a sexy voice too!

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Day 2: My favorite character is Corvus from DQ9💙

These ones are pretty old, but I haven’t drawn him in a while so they’ll have to do😅

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for the second day of : favorite character. my favorite character of course has to be erik / camus. i love his smug attitude and his relationship with luminary.

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Day 2 of - favourite character!

design-wise, story-wise and well, character-wise, Serena from DQXI comes out on top in my book! I love her SO MUCH

I got carried away animating today so couldn't draw a Fresh Serena but here's some older ones I'm fond of!

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Monday: Favourite Character

Kiryl may have a rather simple design, but his personality is what truly gets me. Oh, and the Russian accent. Yoy!

His interactions with Alena in the Heroes games are always so cute and funny. Don't give up, homie ♡

Kiryl says hello 👋

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Ah, it's huh...? A good excuse to repost some Dragon Quest boss fanarts I did. (I still gotta draw Dragonlord!)

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day one prompt is favorite game i think and !! while it's definitely not a flawless game dqix has a special place in my heart as my first and still my favorite dragon quest game B) (idk if theres other . tags ppl are putting on these lol)

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My favorite Dragon Quest game is Dragon Quest VI! It's such a fun and mysterious game, I enjoy it a lot!

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day 1: favorite mainline game

While DQXI is definitely deserving of that spot, DQVIII was my first mainline game so I'm kinda biased lol plus I really love Eight and Munchie 💕

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it’s the start of so I can finally post this piece :D!!!!
my favorite main game has gotta be Dragon Quest 9! its a really charming DS game with my favorite story themes, aesthetics, characters and character designs!

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