Day 17: Biggest Achievement
The day she felled the Pale King Tallarn as he attempted to become a God, and seal off the world from the rest of the pantheon through The Well.

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Day 11 : Significant Other
Aérea and Farren

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Not leaving it to the last minute this time, haha.

August 14: What They Fail At

Joy can’t do public speaking, it triggers anxiety attacks because of growing up around people whose eyes were full of hate and scorn because she was a Tiefling.

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Day 6 - first time encountering a bully.
There was one Monk at the abbey who took discipline very seriously, especially with Aerea who as an aasimar was held at a higher standard.

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Sabry has the spotlight for This month!
Enjoy a small thread as i steadily crank out more doodles

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Day 5 - First time feeling truly free
When Aérea reached 19 she had already watched her best friends go off on their own adventures whilst she was left behind, but now it was her turn!

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Day 3 - Favorite Childhood Place
Brigid loves it when her sis uses that cool "gust of wind" trick to make the swing go fast! 🙂

Day 4 - A Moment with Family
The last family goodbye before Brigid was sent off to the church's academy.

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Day 3 of the challenge! The prompt being "Secret hideout' Really not happy with how this came out, but Mondays are just hectic for me so this is to stay alive.

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Sabry likes rocks,and carries a pouch of their faves around with them. One of them is a gemstone carved into the shape of a majestic sea flap flap.A trinket from home.its cool to the touch & offers a small comfort to the wandering vampire.

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Been practicing backgrounds as of late :D Here are a few I've done this month for a daily art challenge ✨

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Interior sketch I did for the challenge for a prompt a few days ago :D

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