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Just found out it's #InternationalDanceDay2021 !!
Dancers are my main inspiration- movement, shapes and anatomy. I hope to be able to give the same emotions I get when seeing dancers doing their art 🥺💜
今日は #国際ダンスデー #InternationalDanceDay です。日付はフランスの舞踏家・バレエマスターであるジャン=ジョルジュ・ノヴェールの誕生日にちなみます。彼はバレエ・ダクシオン(一貫した演劇的な筋立てで構成されるバレエのこと。)創造の先駆者です。
It's #InternationalDanceDay so here's a gorgeous figurative oil painting ('Dancers I') by Portfolio Plus member Elly Hadjipateras 🕺💃 You can share, showcase and sell your art commission free on our online Portfolio Plus platform. Find out more here: https://t.co/aJZ2licxjq
#29avril 2021 : C'est la Journée internationale de la danse... 💃🕺
▶ +infos https://t.co/e80NZlMEt9 ◀
#DanceDay #JournéeDeLaDanse #Danse #Dance #JeanGeorgesNoverre #Ballet #BalletModerne #Art #Spectacles #Scène #Culture
Today is #InternationalDanceDay or, as we like to call it, #DancingWithCatsBookDay. We like to celebrate it every year with another look through one of our very favourite books. 💃🐈
We promise we've not made this book up.
Happy #InternationalDanceDay2021
‘#Dancing is a shortcut to #happiness’
‘To dance is to live, to live is to #dance’
‘You don’t stop dancing because you grow #old, you grow old because you stop dancing’
#howtoagejoyfully #art #matisse #degas @therealsamtoft #tango #ballet
It’s #InternationalDanceDay - no excuses! 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
‘ As #Nietzsche wisely said
‘We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once’
It’s #WorldDanceDay today, so the perfect moment to share my @bookshop_org_UK booklist of ballet-inspired children’s books - including A Dancer’s Dream: https://t.co/gShFyZEwzT
"Sketch of Two Nautch (Dancing) Girls" on #WorldDanceDay today.
By artist #EdwinLordWeeks, probably made in #Benaras #Varanasi, in 1883 & now at @brooklynmuseum (?).
@Peachtreespeaks @DalrympleWill @katherineschof8 @ranjona @swativashishtha @iamrana @PropitiousOn3O @dpanikkar
On #InternationalDanceDay, tell us who would be the better dancer between Guy and Jasper!
(We know, it's hard to tell.)
#VoltageInc #CoD #CourtofDarkness
4/29 国際ダンスデー
International Dance Day
#今日は何の日 #国際ダンスデー
Celebrate #NationalDanceDay with the Ultimate Traditional Dancer, Hiyoko! Just...don't step on her toes...
Today is #NationalDanceDay the #muse of #dance, #music, #song and the #chorus in #GreekMythology is #Terpsichore one of the #NineMuses she is often depicted with a #lyre or #Plectrum
#keepingClassicsalive #mythology #Apollo #muses #Classics #ClassicsTwitter