Trois nouveaux one-shots (avec un Super Swamp Thing) pour on Infinite Earths |

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Durante el panel de DC Comics en la se revelaron las portadas para Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths y Veanlas todas porque estan sumamente geniales.

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Durante el panel de DC Comics en la se revelaron las portadas para Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths y Veanlas todas porque estan sumamente geniales.

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Just In: DARK CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS cover art by ! Aquaman sporting his new costume design from !

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- "Not a lot happens to progress the plot in this issue. Though I did enjoy reading the characters reflect on their younger selves". Read the full at

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- "Not a lot happens to progress the plot in this issue. Though I did enjoy reading the characters reflect on their younger selves". Read the full at

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I still think it's a dreamworld, sometimes dreams are selfish or simply reflect what we most desire even though we know it doesn't have to be good. I like the idea of the comic. Those are dreams or desires kept secret, with a bit of terror 😅

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Preview de Dark Crisis: Young Justice (Of 6) par Meghan Fitzmartin, Laura Braga et Luis Guerrero chez

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Worlds Without a - - "If you ever wanted a story that explored what would have happened if Jon wasn’t aged up, then this might be for you". Read the full at

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En el número 3 de Dark Crisis aparece por primera vez Red Canary. También reaparece la JSA después de una larga ausencia.
Acabamos de poner en preventa estas dos portadas de y que os van a encantar.

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So far the event has served as a tribute to and the legacy of its heroes. But its over-reliance on that theme of legacy could in a way actually play into the goals of the event's major villain, The Great Darkness.

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Jon destroying the Titans Tower???
lol it's not the first time, he already has experience in it...since he was 10 years old 🤣

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– "Dick and Slade’s fight is full of history and emotion. It is choreographed beautifully by Sampere". Read the full at

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It's nice to read a story with these amazing characters and this team made it a very enjoyable read. Love how everyone is telling them how to handle loss rather than listen to them😢

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