I know I repost this cover every few months. But it is just so fantastic it may never be forgotten!
And we can all use some good stuff on our timeline right now.

5 27

After their shared adventure on the desert island, the moon always reminded Scrooge of Magica.
Sometimes he would just sit and look at it with a feeling of deep longing in his chest...

6 23

Evil King Scrooge and Queen Magica are ♥♥♥

I want MORE AUs like this. PLEASE! Just look how perfect they are together!!! *screams*

6 23

Travelling together by car (and plane) its always Scrooge on the steering wheel.
I guess Magica never bothered learning to drive when she can just fly on her broom ^^

And now just LOOK at my precious OTP ♥

I need its soul healing powers it has for me ♥

1 15

Beautiful photos of each other, even framed. Also one of my favorite canons for them ♥

3 12

I still love this scene from "Scrooges last Adventure" SO much. How Scrooges most concern is Magicas feelings and not his nephew in deep pain.
I mean sorry, Donald. But it fits so much into my headcanon for them ^^; Donalds complain makes it even better.

3 16

REposting some of my favorite pictures. Maybe you enjoy them aswell ♥ I need fluff ♥

5 20

Just a silly littly thing I did.

This is the engagement ring I use for them in almost all my Fan Fictions. Shaped like a ravens feather and as gem a piece of the Trasluna Magica gave to Scrooge ♥

4 13

a Christmas gift for my wonderful friend @/KaratekaLi. thank you for your kindness and support and always being so awesome ^^ love you, dear!❤️

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Yearly christmas art. I drew it before I got my tablet thus its in my old stlyle. (the BG is from an old picture of me U.U I had no energy for this pic)
Merry Christmas to all my friends and mutuals and fellow Dimeshippers of course ^^ ♥

10 28

"are actually like chill with each other and are only “enemies” because of outside circumstances, and one gets flustered when the other is in their face"


Aye ^^ ♥♥♥


3 11

Guess I stick to the movie a bit longer ^^
Scrooge holding her up like this is a long needed redraw of some old art anyway ^^

0 7

Finished my redraw.
Its hard to get used to the complete different style my pics have now that I use tablet and Clip Studio paint.

New Old

9 26

It's december so I am re-reading the very fist Fan Fiction I wrote AGAIN. It starts at christmas eve, thats why ^^


1 11

Next I gonna tackle with my new tablet an CS is trying to redraw this ancient picture of mine.
Rant didn't mean I am giving up after a first try I just need to get the frustration over it off my chest.
Non of you think I give up trying to do better right? lol

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