Black Rhinoceros

Romanised Name: Kurosai
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 35 – 50 years
Conservation Status: Critically Endangered
Scientific Name: Diceros bicornis
Distribution: Southern and Eastern Africa
Diet: Herbivore
Also known as: Hook-Lipped Rhinoceros

11 23

Today is balloons day!
Thanks to everyone who supported and gave warmth, you are wonderful!
And the most important gift for the creator is the distribution of his works ✨🧡

28 106

Western Spotted Skunk

Scientific Name: Spilogale gracilis
Romanised Name: Madara sukanku
Diet: Omnivore
Distribution: North America
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Japanese Name: マダラスカンク
Conservation Status: Least Concern

11 22

White Horse

Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Romanised Name: ?
Diet: Herbivore
Japanese Name: ?
Conservation Status: Domesticated
Scientific Name: Equus ferus caballus
Distribution: Unknown
Also known as: White Thoroughbred

14 29

PSD data distribution this week! Misaki!
Color data can be obtained by supporting me.

2 30

When you can appreciate that, you can see why Your Name and Weathering with You did so well internationally, that and, of course, actually having distribution. Now, with Suzume hitting theaters next week, I implore you to watch Shinkai's work from the past too.

2 9

preparing to make products for distribution at the manga exhibition
The last two want to be printed on two sides

108 299

Oriental Stork

Scientific Name: Ciconia boyciana
Japanese Name: コウノトリ
Conservation Status: Endangered
Diet: Carnivore
Distribution: Asia
Romanised Name: Kōnotori
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 48 years

10 25

The sale will start tomorrow at 21:00(JST), 13:00(UTC)
Details of the bid benefits are now available
🐧ETH chain (ERC-721)
🐧I will send you the number of bids
🐧Pre-bids are not eligible
🐧Secondary distribution is welcome
🐧Illustration of this tweet

6 18

Gen 2
Packed with rewards
Hand drawn
Sold out drop
100% royalties back to ALL holders
Badass community
And many giveaways

1220 already accumulated for may 1st reward distribution

Some gems 💎 on floor grab em and start earning

15 19

generating out-of-distribution (bigger) image sizes by fiddling with self-attn softmax.
(incorrectly) implemented advice from Kharr at … it worked anyway.
right=smaller softmax denominator; topk(preferred_key_tokens) attn scores per query

1 18

[MMD MODEL DISTRIBUTION] YYB Kasane Teto Utau version.
This is a model edit from YYB

Please follow the YYB rules and give credit to YYB and HB-Squiddy when using this model!

50 198


Scientific Name: Odobenus rosmarus
Romanised Name: Seiuchi
Distribution: North Pole
Diet: Carnivore
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 30-40 years
Japanese Name: セイウチ

17 35

🐧ETH chain(manifold 予定)

🌸Special Offer🌸
🐧ETH chain
🐧Earn the right to bid awards for the number of bids
🐧Secondary distribution is welcome.

13 27


Romanised Name: Guanako
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 20–25 years
Diet: Herbivore
Scientific Name: Lama guanicoe
Japanese Name: グアナコ
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Distribution: South America

6 12

can we use this to make images *larger* than those in the training distribution? fix "double body parts"?
trying to evaluate. need to implement mem-efficient attn version first (or use Mac); fp32 quantile() uses lots of VRAM.
median (50%ile) fixes body shape. encouraging.

0 7

50% of $DXN supply being distributed in year 1 reflects the belief in its potential value and impact, creating a fair opportunity for early adopters to get involved in the project's growth and success. This strategic distribution also incentivizes long-term holding

0 0


Romanised Name: Niwatori
Japanese Name: ニワトリ
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 7-8 years
Distribution: Worldwide
Scientific Name: Gallus gallus domesticus
Conservation Status: Domesticated
Diet: Omnivore

17 48

The latest single "WAY OUT" is available on various distribution sites.

3 7

A distribuidora francesa Mediatoon Distribution, adquiriu por exclusividade os direitos de distribuição mundial da 2ª temporada do anime de Edens Zero. Anteriormente o anime estava na Netflix.

A 2ª temporada de Edens Zero estreou hoje no Japão.

Via: Anime News Network

9 303