My Viorel, was trying to escape some zealous holy knights who thought she was a heretic and definitely wanted her head on a pike. She ended up transforming into a cat in order to get away. I wanted to draw what that cat looked like! So here it is, kitty Viorel!

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Quick chibi of the bf's D&D Druid! This gentleman has a lot of shady secrets... And a bird familiar (which I didn't draw this time-- )

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Some art of my Tia’tan with a cute hairstyle that I thought suited her. After getting carpel tunnel from trying to draw her luscious curls previously, these buns were also a way to save myself 😂

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Another piece from exactly one year ago! This is Tia’tan, a moon elf, half (dreams), half (light)! She was an NPC in the game I used to DM—she was kidnapped by werewolves and the party saved her.

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Alright here's the druid design for my next kickstarter: Classy Dice Buddies! I've never played a druid, but I hope I captured their essence on this design.

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