What if Rosa got her hands on little hatchling Black Hat... She would have been the perfect mom of course!
...I hurt my own feelings drawing this 😭

245 1361

A long time ago that i wanted made a bust of Black hat dragon in 3D.
Dragonous is very amazing comic =D
PS. It's the first time that i made bust toon character in 3D.

14 205

Due to popular request... the Black King as well! Also knows as the Golden King/The Sun!
I also decided to add a side by side because I think they look awesome together! 💜

228 1157

i tried drawing buff hat as a dragonous, hes got 4 wings, hes huge and is nicknamed biggs. im trash

14 176

Something that i wanted draw time ago. =A=)9 <3
BlackHat Dragon and my dragon Fex

RUN TO WATCH DRAGONOUS COMIC!!! with it's super cool! *Q*)8

43 508

What's that? You thought I was taking a break during christmas?
Naaah! Have the next update! 💜

129 1085

Looks like White Hat is having some major doubts about something 🤔

122 1085

With two opposing forces there are always two sides of a story!

Machiel is based off of my dear friend 💜 Go give him some love!

90 856

When I read this note it made me think of this https://t.co/3paVUjdHRF
There is a part in the video that shows scratching a dragon’s neck can affect them in a positive way. So gave it a try and is happy to see that it works as well as making a new deal.#Dragonous

87 600

Some of you guys wanted to know if Lumencia has wings like Demencia!
She does! They are feathery however

47 565

What is it with girls always falling for the bad boys?

139 1139

Lots of people have asked to see their colors so I got around to do something for them!
I already knew that their colors would be like this but I wasn't 100% sure what kind of markings they would get but I'm happy with the outcome.

88 641