Might as well post this here owo
I just imagined Harry dropping by at Draco's house and then this happend 🙌


3 14

New inspired by my favorite fanfic on 🦁🐍
Title and more panels here ➡️https://t.co/PsPQhvF8xE

11 77

A whump!Drarry AU where Voldemort won the war, Harry disappeared, and Draco is forced into slavery sorry not sorry :,)

16 176

Snape made Harry sit w/ the slytherins as a punishment, or so he thought

4 44

Shut up, Potter
Drarry ‘cause it’s always Drarry what can I do
Also finished Turn by saras_girl recently and OMG I’m definitely tattooing it in myself

0 17

What if: Draco and Harry were all muggles and growing up together?

9 129