Perdón por no andar activa xd ESQUE debía terminar esto y me tomo semanas!y es un art trade owo ,esta es su oc Ariel y el fenton porque tienen una linda relación padre e hija :3 2017

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Launchpad is a Grade A Himbo and that's a fact! He deserves some formal wear so here you go~!
I also made sure he goes well with DW lol 😊

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I watched all of the Ducktales 2017 reboot in like 2 days. I love this angry chicken man! I gave Gyro a different outfit just because I felt like it~!

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if my boy doesn’t get an emotionally tearful reuinion with his boys after he gets home safe from the moon, then you and I will have some words, ya hear?? 😤😤😤

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