Another , did a lineless of yoki cuz i haven't done lineless art in like a year and i wanted to try it again

9 46

Stuff happened on the dep discord server which lead me to draw this!!

Lesbian witch my beloved

8 15

is caina a mug maniac?? can it be canon please

1 16

I saw that one of my posts that was about Temmie's game got a lot of likes and decided to make another one.
Well, you all understand what is depicted in the art. Yoki has eyes in his ears

0 14

yeah i did a draw of mail carrier yoki

3 24

Какой-то перс из игры от
Решил перерисовать с ней скрин

3 99

Ik isn't your OC, but still it's your pfp
I... guess its ok to put the dweller's empty path hastag, i hope you don't mind ;;v;;

1 8