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Cara parei pra pensar um negócio mto doido aqui mas todo mundo que a Eda ama desde sua infância tem problema de visão KAKAKAKAKAKAKKKKKKAKAK

105 679

FTWS doodle art because they warm my heart and i just can't see them without a happily ever after
(For those who didn't read this perfection it is in ao3, highly recommended!!)💞

25 132

If Eda and Raine can survive the haters they can survive ANYTHING

144 1589

🍓 post 4 characters that you relate to and let people make assumptions about you:

other honorary mentions… haruhi fujioka and eda clawthorne https://t.co/JSN2V9wpIb

0 9

Dibujé a Eda al estilo graffart de Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair

2 11

Woke up from a nap, saw this and was like Eda Clawthorne Splatoon???

204 2050

Drew eda! Noz my best work but eh its someothing


3 9

you can love a character & still admit when they’re wrong. i love eda but can acknowledge her flaws (she has none) & can hold her accountable for her wrongdoings (she’s never done anything wrong in her life) & call her out for her actions (which are always correct)

34 103

Also Luz and Eda…
Sobbing, crying on the floor

2 57

clawthorne red being a direct line from dell to eda to king is so. FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE SHOW HIS COLLAR WOULD END UP REPRESENTING BOTH OF HIS PARENTS IM ILL

4 30

Urrghhh when I when I feed into my delusions urghhh

145 1434