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In Welsh mythology sea god Dylan Eil Tôn personifies darkness, his twin Lleu Llaw Gyffes light. At the spring equinox night & day are of equal length - after which the balance tips towards the light ....
#DylanEilTôn #LleuLlawGyffes #Spring
@__c_9 EiLさんは今日も春です!3000フォロワー到達、おめでとうございます!
wtf the eil n his adhd gf????? (ms paint doodle)
Chan eil e call sam bith a gheibh caraid
It is no loss what a friend gets
It's na a loss whit a mukker gits
Feasgar math
Good afternoon
Guid efternuin
Tráthnóna maith
Tha mi an dòchas gum bi latha sgoinneil agad
I hope you have a great day
I hiner ye hae a stoatin day