Forbidden Earth Chan Larissa found only in the Bag of Mystery with art by LenaDai! Now on the Valkyrie Saviors Key of Storms Kickstarter!

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Remember to wish Earth Chan a happy birthday

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Valkyrie Saviors Key of Storms is LIVE! Make sure to check the campaign page tomorrow as one of our most popular add ons returns! More info tomorrow: Featured Earth Chan Larissa art by LenaDai!

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We are LIVE and just passed 30K on the Valkyrie Savors Key of Storms Kickstarter! Please pledge and share: Featured art by LenaDai from our Art Cosplay tier!

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Kicks off in 4 hours! Valkyrie Savior Key of Storms Kickstarter! Featured Earth Chan Larissa from the Art Cosplay tier by Lenadai!

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Valkyrie Saviors Key of Storms Kickstarter launches in 6 days! Featured Cosplay Tier cover art featuring Earth Chan Larissa by LenaDai!

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3-4 years back I drew and programmed an earth chan visual novel for . Since it's been so long and I am actually good at art and I don't need bases, I redraw the main title screen. (First pic is the original. Second is the new one)

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First illustration in CSP, I really need to practice here, but this was fun~

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No lo hagas Earth-chan ten piedad de nosotros 🙇‍♂️

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What if Earth-chan actually used a globe holder

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Haven't drawn in the last few days, but I'm gonna post some old art. Have an Earth-Chan and friends!!

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