As promised, I will be releasing the full artwork for this week. I will be posting the hi res files and line art on my Gumroad for purchase as well. I will post a link once they are available. First up is Ysera. Enjoy.

59 284

Bound to life by the Titans. Bound to death to serve my bidding. Welcome, Alexstrasza the Death Binder to

33 239

When the Emerald Dream has become the Emerald Nightmare, what is left for an Aspect like Ysera to do? Welcome, dragon to

165 689

An assassin is always an excellent addition to any military. Say hello to Garona Halforcen, the newest member of

42 323

Another champion stirs from an eternal rest to join our ranks. My fourth general and final of the Four Horsemen, Sally Whitemane

72 381

The final horseman has arrived. Dark Inquisitor Whitemane. See full images on Patreon:

251 1624

Another dragon enters our midst. Say hello to Tarecgosa, champions. I am intrigued by how you managed to trap her into a staff to bend her to your will.

126 621

Who better to help Medivh with his duties as Guardian than his former apprentice, Khadgar? Welcome to Archmage.

20 160

Who better to lead my followers who wield magic than Medivh, the Blind Guardian. Welcome to

27 177

By the light of Elune...if it was bathed in blood. Welcome, Lady Tyrande to I am sure that Illidan will be most pleased to see you join us

115 527

An exceptionally powerful rogue. Welcome, Vanessa VanCleef to I am sure your skills shall serve us well.

61 386

A third general who has been chosen to join us. Welcome, General Nazgrim to

49 335

Darion Mograine got finished last night, despite the internet outage. Come watch Thoras Trollbane get created tonight at 5:30pm PST.

5 53

Welcome, Lady Vareesa Windrunner. Embrace your vengeance for your husbands death at the hands of the Horde, and join your sister the Warchief. Shall we be seeing Alleria soon as well?

45 204

Every army needs a commander. Welcome, Lady Liadrin to to be cosplayed at by

60 326