🌘Osiris and the moon.
Through my Osiris' experience I have tried to show something different from traditional masculinity - to step outside the confines of ancient legends in patriarchal contexts.

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Hahah the time has come to post the full painting of the source of my avatar😆💚 Osiris has brought you a fig and honey cake, enjoy it!🍰🎉

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A refreshing morning starts with Isis and Osiris in Japanese fantasy style 🪶🌿
(Missing those long-lost spring flowers🌺)

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I will cross all that sea of tears to love you.
I will reclaim you from all that sinks.

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The sun's barge
The moon's weeping
The boundless sky where the stars rotate
And the adoration of you and me who trek through.

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🪶 was regarded by the ancient Egyptians as the ruler of the stars in the southern sky. The swallow was given theological significance as 'star' in and was transformed into a swallow when she grieved for Osiris. Morning!

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🌤️Hail to Hathor,
Our Lady of the Dusk,
Beautiful daughter of the western mountains,
The Two Lands glowing below your light.✨

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Here are some of the costumes I designed for and The designs on the left are from the period when Osiris was chancellor and Seth was head of the temple guard while the one on the right is for Osiris' royal engagement ceremony.🎊

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The ancient Egyptians believed that was the god of the northern sky while belonged to the southern sky. For the young Seth, he could not yet understand this, but often felt longing and sadness when he looked up at the sky.

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These are OsiSeth Halloween paintings I used to do and you can see that my painting skills have grown a bit. Incidentally, I didn't even think about Seth's eye colour at first, so his eyes are purple in the painting on the left.

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It is undeniable that no matter how badly he appears on the outside, Seth is lonely, sensitive and melancholic on the inside. His words are sharp, his behaviour unruly, but behind them all lies a suffering soul.

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I try to show in my a complexity in a passionate love affair: the attachment mentality that desires to be loved, and the strong mentality that desires to be the dominant one. Both are him, no matter what role he plays in bed.💕

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I did, in fact, ponder some of the and trio. Despite the fact that they all love Osiris, my Seth and Isis are not blatantly tit-for-tat - they would be like two lone wolves in a narrow encounter, strong but cautious.

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Sometimes I draw modern paro of the ancient Egyptian gods. I have imagined many scenes about OsiSeth's modern life, but all in all, Seth in this painting is carefree.🌈⛱️

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📿Hail to you, Osiris,
Prince of Abydos and Busiris,
Eldest son of Nut and Geb,
Ever young and beautiful being,
To whom the doors of the Great Hall of Truth are always open.🌙🌟🌟🌟

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It's a little challenging to portray Isis in blue as opposed to Nephthys' purple. But I do like a popular saying, "Blue is the love of the universe". Isis is a cosmic goddess who symbolises the love of the most divine of feminine forces.

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