Thor is a pedigree among the Gods. The first of his kind.

A Eldergod-Hybrid... Nuff said

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Senntisten Models

This is only the stuff that is currently available and visible in-game, North of the Archaeology Guild). Just without the dirt and debris in the way.

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the pit clown~ creature token for a dnd game!

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How does anyone hate someone who looks like this?
Everything about Thor screams god complex , that eldergod gene makes him a Apex powerhouse in the marvel pantheon... And I love it 👑⚡

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I think the ABSTRACT ENTITY DEATH must really hate Thor, I mean every time she has her claws on him he bitchslaps her. I'm not say the Eldergod Hybrid can't die....But.. When he is tired of such concept he RESURRECTS himself at WILL. And there is no one to stop him. NEXT LVL OP!

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JUST ADDED! My 'Cutethulhu' design!! Order one while they're on sale!! 🙂

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The beautiful children of Thor Odinson which he had with his brides Amora the Enchantress & Lady Sif. The grandbabies of the Eldergod Gaea & Skyfather Odin. Marvel please give Thor his kids back ... Thanks in advance 😊

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Thor wins, he is way more versatile in powers,Thor has access to the eldergod forces, lifeforce & energy manipulation/absorption, time & space manipulation, infinite amount of ethereal force. Thor has powers to counter any foe, Hulk's brute force won't save him

3 24

Thor is nothing without Mjolnir , this statement has being used as a means to undermine the eldergod hybrid for years (us fans knows this) Well put all that talk to rest. Thor is by far my favorite
A clear statement was made

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