
Zeratul is like a mystical Predator. The Dark Templar assassin can stealth and uses his blade to pwn his enemies. I love his golden armor with jade gem stones and his ragged cloak. He also has a great story arch that spans many years and games.

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I love moogles, even when they aren't playable they add a fantastical and familiar element to the FF series. For some reason I like to think of them as demons that became good over time, eventually becoming small, fluffy, cute little helpers.

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Marle (Princess Nadia Guardia)

Marle is a princess done right. She brings lots of love n laughter to CT and her runaway princess design is perfect. While most princesses usually wield a staff and can only heal, Marle has a bow and a cool mix of abilites

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Bub, Bobble Dragon

Super adorable and classic, a character that takes me back in time to my early gaming years.

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Kid is the daughter-clone of Schala and one of the main characters in Chrono Cross. Her loud personality is further marked by her red and yellow design with deep blue eyes. She uses daggers from her days as a pirate.

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Ryoma from Fire Emblem: Birthright is one of the coolest chars I've seen. His red and white with golden highlights samurai looking armor flows together perfectly with his long hair and lightning katana. He's also a great leader and heroic figure.

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Edgar Roni Figaro

King of Figaro, ladies man, engineer. A great combination of character traits makes Edgar from FFVI one of my fav. His design is also great, regal looking with rebellious undertones.

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My Guilty Gear main, Eddie is like an anime shadow/parasite version of Venom who takes over Zato-1's body. I absolutely love the design and move-set animations!

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Cait Sith

A toy cat riding a stuffed robotic moogle that spies for both sides and is controlled by someone yet sometimes shows signs of sentience...a very confusing character to say the least but has one of the coolest designs!

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Wasn't a fan of Robo's design when I first saw it but it grew on me over time. Personality and story wise, Robo brings a lot of depth to Chrono Trigger, a support role both in and out of battle and teaching us about compassion along the way.

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General Baal

The antagonist of Grandia, Baal is one crazy man obssesed with mysterious ancient tech and Gaia. His design alone makes him one of my favorites with his super cool eye-patch and awesome armor. Geat choice of colors.

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Heishiro Mitsurugi

Very cool design that encompasses everything we like about samurai characters. He has a laid back attitude backed up by strong courage and moral code. Lightning fast counters with powerful yet precise swings.

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The Russian beast. Zangief is the first character that comes to mind when I think of heavy, slow, and powerful fighters. His chest hair alone is iconic!

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Lloyd Irving

Lloyd reminds me of why I love JRPG tropes. He sports a memorable design, dual wields swords, and has an awesome rhythmic move set. A classic example of an optimistic good natured hero that blends seemingly well with the game's elements.

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A standout character in Street Fighter II for having a cool mask, weapon and climbing skills! I love his design, top half assassin and bottom half bullfighter's traje de luces! Always awesome to find a character that represents your country 🇪🇸

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One of my favorite fighters, really cool design with the feline face and suit. Pulling off his combos are some of the most satisfying experience in gaming!

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Ryu Hayabusa

To me, Ryu is the original ninja. I'll never forget those cutscenes from the Nes Ninja Gaiden. Ryu evolved throughout his games, both in design and ability, wielding all types of ninja weapons. One of the most badass characters in gaming!

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Geno is a special character. We saw his birth, his creation unfold infront of us. His memorable design and flashy move set are amazing yet shouldn't come as a surprise, he is the son of Nintendo and Squaresoft.

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Mai Shiranui

The sexy ninja Mai is my favorite SNK fighter. Really like the red and white uniform, her design flows and bounces with moves. She throws fans, awesome kicks and rolls, and has a deceivingly airhead attitude.

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Ashley Riot

A mysteriously tragic character from one of my favorite games, Vagrant Story, and one of my favorite character designers, Akihiko Yoshida, whos characters look straight outta the concept art!

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