Buscando en mi móvil algo decente para , desempolvé estas ilustraciones que hice en el 2020 para y que ahora recuerdo haber disfrutado mucho.

El texto es de Darío Alejandro Alemán sobre Ennio Morricone y está aquí:

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Ennio Montariello


Anna Steshenko

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Look at these GORGEOUS colors of our lead couple by Shan Bennion! The art is by Marco Perugini. I can't wait to watch it all come together in color.
Until Death will hit Kickstarter in the near future and is about a wife trying to save her infected husband during the apocalypse.

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Hi! My name is Jen Chavez and I'm super interested in this project :)
Portfolio: https://t.co/1sIrDBcbxD
Email: jenniomara.com
Thank you for looking over my art!⭐️

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Et voilà! Work in progress for the next Cactus di Fuoco's Book: La Cattedrale di Millennio (The Cathedral of Millennium).

Yeah, the guy here is a priest. We don't draw a lot of priests, don't we?

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Helena Masellis in collaborazione con Lucky Red ha realizzato questo artwork di “Ennio”, il film di Giuseppe Tornatore dedicato al Maestro Ennio Morricone.


(via / )

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4 lamborghini terzo millennio drawing carstoon concept Canvas Print - https://t.co/IiiXQ9BFpT

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funny: Chi rifiuta il sogno, deve masturbarsi con la realtà.
Ennio Flaiano

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A little thing with my characters from ESO.
The Imperial brothers Ennio and Demetrius. Before they joined the Covenant, they were members of the Silver Dawn. I just wanted to draw their past, and how they killed werewolves for the glory of order:)

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Otodus megalodon : l'un des plus grands prédateurs marins ayant jamais existé.

Carthago T13 , scénario de Christophe Bec, dessins de Ennio Bufi.

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I don't even know man, Ennio is a surprise

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Favourite Soundtracks:
Ennio Morricone: The Wilde Horde (My Name Is Nobody)

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アーティスト名 : Ennio Morricone
今回は映画「The Thing」のサントラを紹介!邦題は「遊星からの物体X」です。

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Bugun Ennio Morricone'nin doğum günü. 'in ölümü üzerine hazırladığı ve illüstrasyonlarını yaptığım "A’dan Z’ye: Ennio Morricone" dosyasına göz atmak isterseniz buyurun efenim: https://t.co/7iXDESY7L8

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El 10 de noviembre de 1928 nace el compositor italiano, Ennio Morricone

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Nel dormiveglia [...] c'è una penombra in cui tutto torna.
Ennio Rega

È forse per quello che poi all'improvviso si aprono gli occhi. Per contenere lo smarrimento di quel tornare.

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Une plateforme pétrolière perdue au milieu de l'océan, un culte lugubre et bien sûr des mégalodons : Carthago revient le 10 novembre!

A retrouver dans toutes les bonnes librairies ;)

Scénario de Christophe Bec, dessins de Ennio Buffi.

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