I goofed up!

I lazed around too much on the 4th day of and didn't have enough time to color it properly ;-; this is hastily colored and shadowed, but I hope it's not too bad @-@

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Nevertheless, Dalilah spends most of her fortune to support young artists and art institutions across Neruzalhem. One of our player characters is under her patronage, for which they're ever grateful.

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Un dibujito de charmy caperuza disfrutenlo ☺️

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Natives of Neruzalh are quite colourful, androgynous people, capable of controling various extraterrestrial powers. Traders and interplanar merchants keep their abilities in high regard, due to their possibility of seeing through astral plane, looking for threats from far realms

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Eruza meets Gumchi from Or "Ninja meets Ninja," as I like to call this.

...I need to finish drawing things faster.

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Eruza Sukāretto. A very strong Fairy Tail`s character, with a very heavy sword. But it's not here, so she can raise her hands.

8 51

1888. urteko maiatzaren 13an jaio zen Inge Lehmann sismologoa. Lurraren bihotzak bi zati zituela antzeman zuen: alde batetik, likidoz osatutako geruza bat eta bestetik, esfera solido bat. Bien arteko etenari Lehmann etenunea deritzogu https://t.co/LF4wPEDIeY

9 9

Dibuje a Shio como caperusita roja,aunque con otro color de ropa y caperuza,espero que les guste.

💙Caperusita azul💙



4 10

Tratando de hacer lineless :'3 aqui una caperuza uwu

3 15


A-37 A-38 宙座工房TeruTeruZa(2019両日)

2019年 7/20(土) 21(日)
九段下 科学技術館にて開催!

10 12



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*** 08/March/2019***
<3 <3 <3 "Happy International Women's Day."<3 <3 <3
Without you there would be no life .......
You are true "WARRIORS"

3 7

this new character

she looks Eruza sama!!!!


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Here comes another of mine.

Eruza, a girl who's trained herself the art of ninjutsu. Naturally born with water powers, so her weapons aren't exactly lethal. Appears level-headed but becomes hot-headed when pushed. Dusk seems to have the hots for her.

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