what a nice day at the beac- wait a minute, isnt that eviolite?

1 17

My heart has been shattered!
Pokemon DLC brought my boy Porygon back, but I found out that Porygon Z loses a lot of defence when it evolves in exchange for speed and offense!
You'd be way better off giving a Porygon2 an eviolite! 😔

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More pokemon doodles because I'm weak for found family. Hestia and Artem are just the softest - very supportive of eachother. added an eviolite to Artems design and I'm very happy with how the heal bell move looks tbh.

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As I said, I am a Hoenn child. I love this classic creepy Ghost and it's also viable in competitive thanks to the exitence of Dusknoir. Make it hold an Eviolite, use Double Team, Will-O-Wisp or Toxic,or even Calm Mind, and ur most likely gonna make ur foe rage quit!

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Magician Eviolite :D

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Eviolite finally gets a partner

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so uhhh learning how use use art apps are hard but here have eviolite

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Eviolite (Vap) is looking jazzy 😳

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poor Eviolite, he didnt get any education from his past but now he is trying

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I feel like I derping, but I thought there was a place in SwSh to buy/find more Eviolites. I already know about the one in Ballorna.

Maybe if Im wrong the DLC in June will have purchasable/findable Eviolites and maybe even let us trade watts for battle items or even BP.

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tough choice between bulbasaur or charmander but this seems mostly right
oshawott and litten are eviolited after one evo though. samurott and incineroar don’t exist https://t.co/88pROsmlSI

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I just came to a realization. Cursola has gone through the same song and dance as Dusclops did in gen 5. Both awesome and bulky pure ghost types that get shafted by their pre evolutions just because eviolite exists and then used for stall. It's so uncanny it hurts.

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Continuing my playthrough of Black 2:
I caught a Roselia and she utterly destroyed Elesa's team. Eviolite Roselia with toxic spikes+venoshock one-shot 2 of out Elesa's 3 mons so she's the star of today's drawing

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Cheryl has gotten berry round recently, round and plump, like a magost berry..
She's an hp tank now! but difference is.. she can't use eviolite like Chansey can..

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i drew a pkmn oc - her names ramona,Her teams theme is black and red! it's comprised of: scizor, zoroark, Torracat w/eviolite(inceniroar is bad), scolipede, salazzle, and pangoro. she's a protester who dislikes aether paradise(mostly lusamine). She's from sinnoh, but in alola.

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3336 RE Seen!
Phase 1 for Summer Deerling

She's Sassy... Comment a fun gimmick set for Eviolite Swadloon :P

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Introducing "Deirdre" my personal ! Fear not! is still the mascot of this account and always will be! but for my own personal character, I've chosen ! She switches items here and there, prefers the ! Hope you like!

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Day 26: Not Fully Evolved

Alolan Vulpix is my baby. I'm stuck with Moon, so my friend who has Sun bred one especially for me. A year later I haven't evolved her, and think I might even give her Eviolite instead.

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