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旧き信仰の司教達(The bishops of the old faith)

75 319

CoC -Sphere- HO Faith(信仰)

■ コルデロ(Cordero)

3 15

What you REALLY need to do is hunt down their groomer, not the victim.

If someone persist on harassing the victim in bad faith, then that someone needs to be hunt down as well with the same ferocity.

Only then will we ever achieve a true and successful rescue.

0 1

Celebration of the moons. Faith


1807 23909


10 53

soloma lineup ... his life wouldve been so different if he didnt put his faith in kombucha and matcha

16 120

Opening up slots for some quick sketch commissions to pay rent

$50 upfront, no feedback rounds (only get this if you have faith in my art direction and want to support me 🙇)

54 437

Ye are a proud elf cleric, a faithful servant of yer elf goddess. During one of yer adventures ye come across a door.

"Don't open" someone had scribbled on the door.
Ye notice the floor beneath the door is wet and sticky.

Ye reach for the door handle...

0 18

More pixel art testing. A adventuring battle nun ready to attack the darkness! Surely her faith will protect her from getting bad end'ed.

Would be fun to do something on RPGMaker.

0 28

NT19 cover is just too funny. After seeing his tragic past in NT18 with a serious cover, NT19 gives us the Aleister faithful to the reality. The whiplash is just so good.

6 86

Eternal Paradise Faith rejoice. Douma has won with 38% of votes🫀 https://t.co/ovlCa82ykL

1 66

Part 2 of 3
"Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame."

Sunflowers symbolize unwavering faith &constant orientation towards light. They're associated with positivity, happiness &optimism.

538 1915

day 3 : royalty

— lady shinonome and her faithful knight ⚔ 👑

273 913

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha!

From everyone in Paell, we wish you a blessed Eid with your loved ones. May your journey bring moments of hope, faith, and happiness.

31 176