Day 19- Indonesia, based on a the Draco genra of gliding lizards and the Chrysopelea Genra of gliding snakes while also taking inspirations from different kites.

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Next lot of Summary. I love these This is were the themes started to get more interesting to work with. My favourite is prolly Holini.

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Day 18- Japan,a based on a the yokai known as "Koromodako" which is described as similar to an Argonaut Octopus/Paper Nautilus and I threw in some black hole inspiration.

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Day 17- China, a based on a creature from Chinese bestiaries called the which is described as a Carp headed Boar

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Haven't done one of my summaries in a lil bit. I feel like with these days I found my art style and process for my designs. Also for some reason, I decided to not use all caps on the last two, I was inconsistent. Excited to make more.

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day 16 with the theme of India. I love seeing pictures of Holi, the festival of Colours. I wanted to make a monkey fakemon and the Macaque is notable in India. Its fighting type comes from its dancing themes.

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day 14 with this Dust Devil/Falcon inspired Dusthunt (I hate naming Fakemon). The theme was Saudi Arabia and falcons are the National Bird so it fit.

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Day 14- Saudi Arabia, based on Cobras and Djinn

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Day 13- based on the a abielosaurid carnivorous from the region who has a penchant for snacking on members of its own species. Also a revamp of this design

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Boab trees are cool. They have such a distinct shape due to how they absorb and store water. This aspect inspired this Grass/Water type and I like to imagine it would spray water from its branches like sprinklers and cheeks and belly pouch.

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So Fulgamel is a design I've had on the brain for ages. Fulgurite is a cool mineral made from Lightning and Sand and I love the idea of a Rock/Electric type Poke. Its hump is made of glass-like rock that has a spark of energy within it.

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So here's a bulk upload of day 11 - 13. The themes were Egypt, Ethiopia and Madagascar. We got a Fulgurite Camel, A Basket Fairy and Joyful Boab Tree.

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Fakeathon 2020 Day 12: Ethiopia

Reference: I forget exactly but it's a Baboon

Type: Grass

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Day 12- Ethiopia, based on a creature from medieval bestiaries from Ethiopia and India, The Gold-Digging Ant

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Fakeathon Day 11: Egypt

Riolu Variant
Type: Dark / Fighting

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Day 11- Egypt, based on Ammit

Cerrado Dex
Kimeramet (Chimera + Ammit)
The Heart Eater Pokemon

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Day 9 - Italy
Davinchip - The Wingmaker Pokémon [Normal/Flying]

"It is born with the unstoppable desire to fly. It crafts makeshift wings out of whatever it can find and uses them to get airborne for a short time."

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Day 9- Italy Based on a Marabbecca, a folklore monster that resides in wells.

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Second lot of pieces. I think in these last four days there's been major improvements to my art style and deciding how I want my Fakemon to look. Cant wait to keep going.

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