I redraw his sprites in my style just for fun + practice poses.

17 43

Russian meme. Literal translation is "Holding myself in my arms" The same meaning as "Keeping myself together"

15 43


32 126

I just love oc/canon (or oc/more popular oc?) but hm...
Stargaze City is fine with it but I still can't be not nervous to show something like that. Especially on Twitter.

6 26


26 90

Void and my cosmic girl Sadcholy/Saddy.
She's a cyan pulsar. Friendly, kind and emotional.

On the art she tries to calm down Void after the concert (Week 1) in her way.

8 24


⚠︎ ボカロPVパロディ。(一部のみ)

"Punishment game"

13 37