平時一入去唔係聽佢鳩叫就係玩影分身嘅癡線佬三日月列凌w 其實係一個好有親和力嘅前輩,睇佢嘅直播幾乎唔會有悶場幾時都係咁fun,有時都真係幾佩服佢成日將啲on9話題延伸到咁豐富ww。唱歌仲會散發一種獨特嘅個人魅力ww 最後歡迎回來!加油ww

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Found an old fanarr I've done for my man techno. I know I'm late but I mourn my own way.

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Fanarr for
I have put a lot of hard work and passion into this. Each detail is polished carefully and tell the story of the retired sniper now snipe nft for hobby, enjoy!

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helloo !!! im just a silly transmasc artist who makes a lot of fanarrtt :-D

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