I saw the meme going around and I just knew I had to draw Jade 😭

14 72

Jaye Umstead, my :3 he’s so much cooler than i was but don’t be mean he WILL cry

4 33

is so fun, let's hear it for all the folks who weren't goth in high school but desperately wanted to be 🥀🌑😈

75 789

doodles. The 2nd of which is them as a kid with 's Kristen because w/ that red hair & freckles... do I smell cousins?? You know, the one cousin you suspect is also queer so you make meaningful eye contact at family gatherings but never say anything

7 58

I joined the party and made a Pippin is a satyr drama kid glamour bard with a flare for dramatics and a love of stage special effects. He dreams of adventure and heroics, and gets a little too excited over most things.

I already love this kid so much.

8 125

Ok, when I saw 's template, I just... couldn't not. Please enjoy: literally just high school me. You can't prove I didn't have a cool treble clef rapier.

11 148