Feanorian Week 2020
Day 1 - Maedhros

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For Fëanorian Week 2019 on Tumblr
Day 7 - Fëanor and Nerdanel - “Reunion”
Yeah I finally finished it on time!!! I’d love to draw Fëanor with short hair

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(As an apology for this bloody have some young female and nerdanel!)
Last day of and  

when they were young, full of life and without many worries, discovering the most distant corners of Aman…ah… what a time they had…

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Fëanorian Week
Day 6: Ambarussa
This two kinda make me think of Pippin and Merry or Elladan and Elrohir ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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For Fëanorian Week 2019 on Tumblr
Day 6 - Ambarussa( Amrod and Amrad) - "Twin"

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For Fëanorian Week 2019 on Tumblr
Day 5 - Curufin and young Celebrimbor
"Your face is so dirty, Tyelpe."

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You’re always with me
Between each beat of my heart

For day 4: last moments in Doriath

Remember that headcanon I have about a green scarf that gifted to Well, I like to imagine he carried it with him…until the end.

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For Fëanorian Week 2019 on Tumblr

Day 4 - Caranthir - “The Dark”

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For Fëanorian Week 2019 on Tumblr

Day 3 - Celegorm - "Strength & Beauty"

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Maglor is the barrier that protects his brothers.
for day 2: Maglor being a big brother

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For Feanorian Week 2019 on Tumblr
Day 2 - Maglor - "With Elrond and Elros"

Maglor had enough of sorrow and tear, I want to draw him smiles happily 😄

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assignment: explain how himring became ‘himling’ on maps. please have your essays in to me by midnight on thursday. the best submissions may enjoy maedhros staring at them forebodingly

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For Feanorian Week 2019 on Tumblr
Day 1 - Maedhros - "Kingship"

He took the crown High King of Noldor from his father, and it's a blood crown

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