1, Klingon D7 Class Cruiser
2, Ferengi D'Kora Class Marauder
3, Romulan Warbird
4, Jem'Hadar Fighter

0 8

DS9 part 3: Rest in Peace to the great Aron Eisenberg. Best known as the first Ferengi in starfleet and one hell of an officer: Nog.

2 11

Next up - as Tiron, the rich, lecherous client of Quark's in the ep "Meridian" of Did they make his costume out of scraps of all the Ferengi costumes?😆🎨

3 13

what in the actual fuck was going on with the original concept art for the ferengi.... yikes

8 91

odo doesn't know about the ferengi ears thing

6 23

i hope the lower decks ferengi is doing ok today

10 37

here is my contribution. i like ferengi :3c

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2 20

Now would be a great time for stories about a society that puts profits above people, treats their women and minorities as second class citizens, turns the bodies of the dead into a business and uses the "good old days" argument to combat progress...

1 4

3.) Favorite OC
Oooh this is such a hard question haha I love SO many of my OCs!! For this I’m going to pick a fan-OC bc I relate to her so much & I just smile everytime I think about her: Pahu! She’s my half-human/half-ferengi Star Trek character!

1 5

More awesome matte paintings from the greats:

Albert Whitlock - (TOS, Eminiar VII in 'A Taste of Armageddon')
Matthew Yuricich - (TMP, Enterprise at V'ger)
Syd Dutton - (DS9, Ferenginar, 'Family Business')
Andrew Probert - (TNG, Starbase 74, "11001001")

33 143

doodling my favorite Ferengi family

69 384

The thing about is that she had the lobes for business. A madam in Utah? Great big brass lobes on that one.
The Grand Nagus approves!

Hailing for much success with the project.

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A disgusting creature evolved from the swamps of Ferenginar

0 33

Remember the first season of Star Trek: TNG, when the Ferengi were armed with energy dildos?

3 5

my friend wanted me to draw krem so i did. i haven't watched enterprise yet but a tiny ferengi in love with an unobtainable vulcan woman? sign me up

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