river spoilers//

congrats to nightheart on her transition i hope it goes well 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️

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a starless clan river protags! flamepaw is definitely a favorite, but i also adore frostpaw and sunbeam!

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* I drew the new protags from the new Warrior Cats book :D
* I already finished the book but I don't wanna spoil it anyone so these drawings are spoiler free :D
* I gave Flamepaw a tail that kinda looks like fire just so his stupid name can make sense LOL

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flamepaw and sunbeam

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Flamepaw is my favourite warrior cat of all time. I love this man I want to crumple him like tinfoil

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And here's Flamepaw! I made an alt where I put orange on him because obviously.

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Flamepaw from !!
I gave him tabby markings like his mom Sparkpelt :3

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i like flamepaw i feel like he drinks diet coke

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since river came out today im reposting my old protag designs + new flamepaw bc old flamepaw was shit

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not spoiling anything, but i redesigned sunbeam and recoloured my flamepaw design to keep them more in tune with the books!

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( spoilers for Flamepaw's name❗️) I'm not usually much of a shipper but consider this rarepairing: NightRoot

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flamepaw frostpaw sunbeam drafts

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Some new designs! Reedwhisker, Blazefire, and Flamepaw

Another Flamepaw will be revealed on the 5th

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a quick fillout of @/kirikerise's little meme !!! if you cant read my handwriting then in order it is:
ravenpaw, hawkfrost, hollyleaf, ivypool, needletail, ashfur, flamepaw (maybe), and gorsefur/star!

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Template by:
Turtle Tail

Loved doing this

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this is flamestar and flamepaw respectfully

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made SUPER FAST designs for these two to use for the fanart challenge on the website, im still trying to thumbnail ideas for it but i like these designs >:))

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tried designing the starless clan protags except I don’t know anything about them and I make the most unrealistic designs ever

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