Gonna be calling this style Fractured Background. If I were to offer it as a commission option, how much would yall be willing to pay for one of these?

Characters: Tera and Miriam


0 1

Thanks for mentioning me 😍
sharing the last two pieces from "fractures" collection

2 2

when/why/how this barrier was put on the pendant as its not fractured from overuse like with 3line.
1) impaled by morby, clamor put the barrier up (quietly apologizes to harque)
2) morby put the barrier up himself
still…he keeps it maintained as if to remind himself of something

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Reposting my Fractured Vanguard Kim and Harry having a Titanic moment on their first aerostatic ride (bc tbh this is one of my fave drawings of Kim I've done) https://t.co/2YAqKq4d0y

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Possibly the cover that I drew for Touhou Fractured Transience. If not, my Reimu done in YIIK style LOL https://t.co/ZWdbFU9swy

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the time has come, the next three exes have been made! I present to you Fractured, Mix-up and Ravager.

art made by

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Meet the Creators!

and are the creators behind BEWARE THE MARE.

You can catch their work in FRACTURED REALMS.


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sharing the last two pieces from the "fractures" collection
0.22 $eth

2 2

Grimwalds Fractured counterpart Rat-King! In the game, he gives you jobs to try and stop supposed Cryptids around town. He also has a side quest to try and stop the cult of cthulhu in town.

His 'powers' are that he is part rat and thus can speak to rodents and ask for their help

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