Day 216 Log 310 💤 More emotes!!! They are pretty fun to make so i'll make a few more for FrankerFaceZ =v=)b

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poyo everyone here are my new emotes that I just did for my channel twitch, it can be used for free using the extension for chrome, mozillia etc … FrankerFaceZ.
I hope you enjoy my emotes ^w^

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I made an account just so I can share you this monika emote I made for Twitch because why not. I'm awaiting for approval on FrankerFaceZ too because why not.

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You guys! Check out the emotes I made on stream the other day, let me know what you think of them! They're live via in stream if you want to see them in chat! <3

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There they are if you want to see them, you can also get these emotes if your on my Discord Server, but its weird because the new Twitch Update has made the FrankerFaceZ emote on the chat box disappear so I had to click on Legacy Popout; but they're there ;)

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I painted Kanna Kamui from Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon! A new emote that I submitted to frankerfacez!

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Coming soon pending approval on FrankerFaceZ

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