Drew like a dark fucked up version of the chef haha. Just a glimpse into my dark reality.

78 561

incredibly proud of the Peppy Hair Arc i've created in my art for the past few months

3 27

Low effort 4est from the thumbnail for tonight's stream

1 20

Salty mentioned something a couple streams ago about being a fairy godparent and I couldn't get it out of my head

17 78

trolled ALL of you nerds I made something visceral before I sleep

5 37

"Let's go to Heaven, let's go to Heaven,
A fun departure awaits only for us!"

Ough I miss the Christenes man

10 70

my art getting featured last stream gave me confidence so have some more!

5 59

people with eyes that are umm uh what uhh

4 46

i love cookie! :)) (also painted cetitan toenails yay)

4 35

imagining him in an anime girl bikini was .... imteresting

2 27

I kinda rushed this but I really miss GrAce

15 100