👶 Just another case of a contracting babies. 🦝

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Celestial Kingdom - They feed the crocodile in the hope that he will eat them last

by DarkoDesign

Crocodiles do not have sweat glands


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Celestial Kingdom - Unicorns exist

by DarkoDesign

about Rhinos - Rhinos are one of only three mammals who can't jump


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In 1913, Léon Bakst created a set of paintings for James and Dorothy de Rothschild. Depicting the tale of Sleeping Beauty, characters were modelled on their family, friends and even pets! Can you spot Dorothy's dog Muffin in this panel showing the Princess awaking?

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Did you know that there is a group made exclusively of parasitic bees? These bees are in the Nomadinae family and are commonly known as cuckoo bees. Read the full post at https://t.co/Lb5wrbdpmm

Artwork by Steve Buchanan 🐝

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Celestial Kingdom - Heads or Tails

by DarkoDesign

about Lemurs - The name Lemur is actually Latin for “Spirits of the Night”


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Celestial Kingdom - A frog in a well cannot conceive of the ocean

by DarkoDesign

about Frogs - Frogs absorb water through their skin. No need to drink any


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male valley carpenter bees are completely gold with green eyes! They are native to the southwestern US and are among the largest bees found in North America. Male bees do not have stingers and produce pheromones when attracting a mate!

Artwork by Steve Buchanan🐝

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Celestial Kingdom - Sunshine all the time... makes a desert

by DarkoDesign

about Pandas - Pandas have been a symbol of peace in China for hundreds of years and balance


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Celestial Kingdom - Aim High, Stand Tall

by DarkoDesign

about Giraffes - No two giraffes have the same pattern making each one wholly unique!


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Celestial Kingdom - It's all about... Koality

by DarkoDesign

about Koalas - Koala is derived from 'Aborigine' and loosely translates to "no drink".


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Celestial Kingdom - Be like a shark, always moving forward

by DarkoDesign

about Sharks - Their skeletons aren't actual made of bones but actually pure cartilage and muscle.


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Celestial Kingdom - Making progress means sticking your neck out

by DarkoDesign

about Turtles - Even with over 300 species of turtle out there, they all lay their eggs on land


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Celestial Kingdom - In life, nothing is black & white

by DarkoDesign

about Zebras - They are actually black animals with white stripes


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Celestial Kingdom - A penguin cannot be a giraffe, so just be the best penguin you can be.

by DarkoDesign

about Penguins - Their colouring helps them camouflage whilst swimming in the ocean


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Bees have feathery hairs covering their bodies that are excellent at collecting pollen! See full post at https://t.co/FLUdP2N3oV

Illustration by Steve Buchanan🐝

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It's my birthday, also this is what I found when I googled "Totally spies Birthday" https://t.co/Ajb5qNZ8El

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Fun Fact: When the first season of SpongeBob Squarepants was released on DVD, the pilot "Help Wanted" was excluded due to legal issues with the song "Living in the Sunlight."

Despite this, it was released two years later as a bonus feature on the third season DVD.

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Did You Know The Daizy Is Inspired By The Late Dir Hard Alexander Godunov? It's True. Both Are Ballet Dancers. I'm Guessing Bob Boyle Loved Alexander And Made Daizy Act Like Him.

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