the cryptid animal form of a kind, if stern, creator god; Whisp, who belongs to SageCamille on dA (

something clicked with the background, however simple, and i want to explore that some more!

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bon il est temps d'être actif j'ai plein de choses à poster
Quelques attaques sur artfight! j'essaie d'être productive
1 - Silentwhisper, @/SageCamille sur deviantart
2 - Susie, (@/Nekonraptor sur artfight)
3 - Jaccadi,
4 - Jem,

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Vintage Kodak Camera Watercolor Painting in Prints
Painted by Kelly Mills

18 21

Jangan gelabah, jangan kecam, jangan sedih.

Islam tak ajar kita untuk mengecam, mencarutkan orang.

Jadi apa kita kena buat?

Doakan semoga mereka yang kembali ke zaman lama mereka, diberikan hidayah oleh ALLAH.

Semoga ALLAH ampuni dosa mereka dan kita.

Karya: Imanimex

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Karya: Imanimex

Apabila ada yang melakukan kesalahan, jangan backup, tetapi betulkan mereka.

Tetapi jangan pula mengecam, kerana itu tak membantu mereka sedikit pun.

Sekiranya tak dapat membantu, janganlah kita mengeruhkan lagi keadaan. Ok?

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Emotions add deeper context to games, but are tough to use without a framework. Learn body language principles from the animation & acting worlds, and how to apply them in your game. A workshop with . Limited to 12 participants.

4 8

This was my finished result in a collab. Check out SageCamille and Absbor-K on DeviantArt!

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1970s Regiment Photo of the Staff College C Division 1975 Cam…

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1970s Regiment Photo of the Staff College C Division 1975 Cam…

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