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Surrender what weighs heavy on your heart to us. It is not yours to carry, lest your burden plunge you into the chasms of the abyss - Sojourner Anubis, Gravitas Body Pattern Form Field Report.
Notably, the canvas of DPS is much bigger than that of Iron Fist – which doesn’t have nearly as many issues to tell this story. This leads to some bigger and broader emotional stakes and gravitas in DPS compared to a more exhilarating immediacy in TSfCW. 7/10
@A_FionyJKT48 Konon dulu Gravitasi itu ditemukan, saat Isaac Newton kejatuhan sebutir buah apel.
Nah, bayangin kalau yang jatuh buah apel sepohon2nya.
Newton pingsan, saat bangun malah amnesia.
Atau yang kejatuhan Steve Jobs, malah bikin laptop Apple.
random sketch.
Perkenalkan, Solon. Pemuda yang telah jatuh gravitasinya pada Jino si kecil.
Vas (rhymes with "gravitas") is a nonbinary alien with organic, cybernetic and some psionic properties.
Their pronouns are dependent on who is addressing them but they are indifferent to what pronouns are used. They're an adept marksman, pilot and hacker.
@Slim_DaddE 1) Violet Augus
2) Joe Ishikawa and Rocket
3) Marcel Gravitas
4) Reitou, Terashi, Rika and Lieve
A movie is when you demote the cosmos into a roller coaster through the lens of nigh-invulnerable demigods. CINEMA is when you explore Adam Sandler's insides with the same gravitas you would give the Pillars of Creation to instill the viewer an understanding of universal oneness. https://t.co/GSN4yEQkZw
A few highlights from Pest Control by zerogravitas85
Check out the gallery here : https://t.co/cW26qRuHWi
@ArtofNovember Tysm for the thread.
Vas (rhymes with "gravitas") is a nonbinary alien with cybernetic, organic and some psionic properties. They have a stoic demeanor and they're a capable combatant with the sniper rifle, chain dagger, computer hacking and piloting spacecraft.
17. Lord Oberon - The Lord of Avalon and the ruler of the Third Race; Oberon is tremendous in power and gravitas. A good portion of the second season built up to his introduction. I'd package him with magic effects, an iron bell, and Oberon's Mirror.
sunday illustration by @lilygibbstaylor. i started this truly niche account for no real reason at all & i am very grateful to her for lending artistry, color & gravitas to this weird project.
Like imagine being that devoted to a man who literally didn’t give two sh*ts about your existence?? But I really admire the guy. He felt very genuine and brought a great deal of gravitas to the story despite his tragic fate
@bdhdhdhdbdhvs1 @ParisFrance3 @pattinsoneil Zoë's best role so far, is in Vincent-N-Roxxy. On screen gravitas is very subjective. In interviews, Zoë gives off a smart, cool & relatable vibe. She's obviously a solid actress & very attractive. That's enough. She'll do HER part. Hopefully Matt Reeves gave her great material.
Even if she’s not so fonds of sweets she left it for people who will be happy to eat. (Second SR, Deresute)
Tokiko also taught Aiko on how to be gravitas and impactful