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Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz crossing state lines again! #unaccompaniedminors Please share #laloalcaraz cartoons
I did a @RepMattGaetz drawing today. I thought of this while I was out on my daily run. #MattGaetz #MattGaetzRESIGN #MattGaetzIsAPerv
@TheRickWilson @BettyBuckley The time has come,' the Jurors said,
To talk of many things:
Of mileage claims & guided tours & Krakens starting coups.
And 11,080 votes Trump needed to un-lose.
Of babbling Brooks & Rudy, and of Gohmertses and gimps.
Of why Jim Jordan looked away,
And who were Gaetz's pimps.
I couldn't help it. It almost drew itself. @ProjectLincoln @repeat1968 @knecessary @RepMattGaetz #MattGaetzIsAPervert #MattGaetz #MattGaetzRESIGN
@RedState @mattgaetz Matt Gaetz makes Matt Gaetz look really stupid and corrupt
Matt Gaetz’s real face looks disturbingly like Butch Hartman’s douchey drawing of himself
Quick! Someone Photoshop Matt Gaetz and Nestor’s faces onto this poster. 👇👇👇
Matt Gaetz looks like if Frankenstein's Monster had settled down, had kids, his kids had kids, and his genepool got so dilluted that his ancestor's can mostly pass as human..EXCEPT.FOR.ONE.TRAIT
While the continuation of creating political art is in my foreseeable future, because there are still politicians like Gaetz and Jordan around to lampoon, I’d like to publicly thank @TrueFactsStated and the folks at @maddogpac for helping amplify my work.
.@MattGaetz hysterics reminds of Shakespeare’s line, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” Gaetz's conduct and lies warrant these cartoons.
Gaetz and Jordan on Fox News look like Beavis and Butthead grew up and somehow became bigger assholes.
They look like Knockoff Brand Henry Caville and Aaron Eckhart.
Beetz by Dray
@RepMattGaetz "I'll never love another president again "Matt Gaetz
#need #graphic designer convert #VectorTrace high resolution picture inbox or order https://t.co/wa9SBUI8xY
緊急事態宣言 ポケモン スラムダンク hobi #BlockedByDevin U.S. Congress PogChamp Joe Biden #TractorMarchDelhi SEVENTEEN Parler Air Force Pennsylvania Matt Gaetz Nazi Twitch
Please, convince me Matt Gaetz wasn’t illustrated by Rob Liefeld
@TheRickWilson I forget. Is today Day 2 or 3 of Trump's William-Henry-Harrison-I'm-In-Denial approach to getting tested after nuzzling with Typhoid Matt Gaetz on AF1?
I'm counting down, you know, just in case.
@TheRickWilson I forget. Is today Day 2 or 3 of Trump's William-Henry-Harrison-I'm-In-Denial approach to getting tested after nuzzling with Typhoid Matt Gaetz on AF1?
I'm counting down, you know, just in case.
The 12 Days of Christmas. On the 6th day of Christmas, the House gave to me...6 geese a-lying. #impeachment #lying #sixgeesealaying #jordan #gaetz #nunes #devinnunescow #collins #art #mcclintock #ratcliffe #drawing #12daysofchristmas #day6 #alyssasarttherapy #resistthroughart