I'm trying to perfect my Gavin, but hey, that's how it goes. I also try to give backgrounds!
#myart #miarte #fanart #GavinReed #Gavindbh #dbh #detroitbecomehuman #DetectiveReed #digitalart #ArtistOnTwitter
RT plis? Thanks ♥
@artists_helping @TheArtistHelp @ArtePorDoquier_
I don't like anything I draw since yesterday, so this will possibly be the only installment in a few days. It's a horrible drawing of Connor and Gavin sleeping.
#myart #miarte #fanart #GavinReed #Gavindbh #dbh #detroitbecomehuman #DetectiveReed #Connor #Convin #Reed800 #RK800
Convin! for OTP drawings game in tumblr!
#myart #miarte #fanart #GavinReed #Gavindbh #dbh #detroitbecomehuman #DetectiveReed #Connor #Convin #Reed800 #RK800
RT plis? Thanks ♥ @artists_helping @TheArtistHelp @ArtePorDoquier_ @ArtistRTweeters
Gavin Reed who doesn't look like Gavin Reed. Sorry.
#myart #miarte #fanart #GavinReed #Gavindbh #dbh #detroitbecomehuman #DetectiveReed
RT plis? Thanks ♥ @artists_helping @TheArtistHelp @ArtePorDoquier_ @ArtistRTweeters
Как же мне нравится их медленное сближение через сдержанные прикосновения, словно в страхе, что этот зыбкий момент вот-вот разрушится🤲💔
#reed900 #900Gavin #G9 #Gavin900 #rk900 #GavinReed #dbh #DetroitBecomeHuman #rk900dbh #Gavindbh #fanart #crossdressing #crossdress #angst
RK: Wow, now I know another secret of yours.
G: Well, what it is? *grimly bites a cigarette*
RK: You have dodgy fingers 😏
🎶Michael Bublé – Feeling Good🎵
#reed900_dress #reed900 #RK900 #GavinReed #gavindbh #dbhrk900 #rk900dbh #g9 #900gavin #Gavin900 #DetroitBecomeHuman #dbh
🐺Helluva Boss AU😈
#reed900 #rk900 #rk900dbh #dbhrk900 #GavinReed #dbhgavin #Gavindbh #DetroitBecomeHuman #dbh #AU #HelluvaBoss
✨👀🔥очередная випка🔥👀✨
сил пока хватает только на такие впроцесные штуки🙃
#wip #reed900_dress #reed900 #RK900 #GavinReed #gavindbh #dbhrk900 #rk900dbh #g9 #900gavin #Gavin900 #DetroitBecomeHuman #dbh
Ну ладно, вот ещё вам випка🙈
#wip #reed900_dress #reed900 #RK900 #GavinReed #gavindbh #dbhrk900 #rk900dbh #g9 #900gavin #Gavin900 #DetroitBecomeHuman #dbh
И ещё випочка👀
Всё. Больше спойлерить не буду, пока не закончу✨
#wip #reed900_dress #reed900 #RK900 #GavinReed #gavindbh #dbhrk900 #rk900dbh #g9 #900gavin #Gavin900 #DetroitBecomeHuman #dbh
Not my best portrait ever but I love the vibe ngl
#gavin #gavinreed #reed #gavindbh #reeddbh #gavinreeddbh #dbh #DetroitBecomeHuman #detroitbh #digitalart
yo, christmas morning boyfriends
[#convin #connordbh #gavindbh #gavcon #dbh]