Thank you for more than a year of something to look forward to almost every week.

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Ghost Game has come to an end!
It's been a wild year, thank you for the fun experiences!

This Siriusmon piece I did is in collab w our local brand Lucksek! Please look forward to future updates!🙏

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Since Digimon Ghost Game is ending, I wanted to reshare all of my Ghost Game artwork! Looking forward to what Digimon has in store next!

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Puede que no haya tenido podido contar una historia y haya sido episodica, pero de adoro Ghost Game, los extrañare Hiro y Gammamon🌟

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A mini-comic for the au comic blog.

Aka a bit more about Hiro and his crush on Kiyo. since it plays a significant role in his development throughout the comic.

did the last page lineart~

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O chifre do GulusGamamon é tão peculiar que me inspirou esse babymon

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Fiz primeiro a versão vermelha, não gostei e decidi fazer na cor azul depois

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Some more forms for mushroomon. Inspired by and concepts! Their names are Jophielmon, Therizdramon and Parashroomon.

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Name: Frangomon.
Level: Adult.
Attribute: Virus.
Type: Puppet.
Fields: Nightmare soldiers/Nature Spirits.

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Siempre es buen momento para apreciar a los protagonistas Digimon ✨

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Digimon is trending again so here’s some of my favorite Digimon art I’ve made!
If you’re a Digimon fan and like these, please consider following me. I got a whole lot more Digimon art planned.

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Just when you think GulusGammamon was scary….

The Digivolution of GulusGammamon, Regulusmon, is seemingly worse!

The fact it’s an ultimate level with the power level similar to Megidramon (a mega) is scary!

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