FIC REC: Part of Your Pas de Deux

Ballet AU. Beautifully written, poignant, angsty and moving.

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[Star Wars]
I am so tired right now, but I couldn´t forget (again) to show you this. I hope you enjoy (hehe).

And yep, I like bossy Rose.

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Rose cinnamon roll Tico judges Hux for being a spy and not running away when he had the opportunity. That's it. Thanks for your love.

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[Star Wars]

I just finished reading another fanfic by GervadR and I and really happy to see some cute art by

I ship them so much now... I just wish for more content about them.

35 136

So yeah, I like drawing krackship fluff, and I like it as cheesy as possible. Now sue me 😏

67 249

7. When it was her birthday and she seems so happy.
But did he gave her the present?

138 596

6. When she introduced him to all her friends, but he's 100% sure this giant slug doesn't like him.

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