“The weight of the world is love.
Under the burden of solitude
under the burden of dissatisfaction
the weight,the weight we carry is love” ♥️
-Allen Ginsberg

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Colleen O'Hara shares her strong, yet tenderly observed, illustrated portrait of the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg.


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Ruth Ginsberg graphic ready for anyone to use for any purpose whatsoever.
> https://t.co/xdpFXZxZ29 <

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“Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you." ~ Ruth Bader Ginsberg

What a badass woman

You will be missed


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Homenajes a de (enlazada versión animada), , y , este poniendo el dedo en la llaga sobre los compromisos ahora olvidados

➕➡️➡️ https://t.co/zU5zwqyUCL


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“Fight for the things you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.” Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
She was truly an inspiration and fighting for equality and fairness.

It’s so important that we vote to keep what she worked for alive.

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11x17 watercolor, oil, mixed media

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"Reading is the key that opens doors to many good things in life. Reading shaped my dreams, and more reading helped me make my dreams come true."


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R.I.P Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Sad to hear she passed away last night but happy to see all her images scrolling through my feed and I definitely wanted to join in on that.

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"If there was one decision I would overrule, it would be Citizens United. I think the notion that we have all the democracy that money can buy strays so far from what our democracy is supposed to be."

RIP Ruth Bader Ginsberg, aka Notorious RBG

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“Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”

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Im at a loss for words, so I made this.

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Il peso del mondo
è amore.
Sotto il fardello
di solitudine
sotto il fardello
il peso,
il peso che portiamo
è amore
Chi puo' negarlo?
Allen Ginsberg

Buona serata🌹
Claude Monet - Sunset, 1880

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Did you know that in the 1950s Venice (in California) became a center for the Beat Generation, with its group of authors like Kerouac & Ginsberg? There was an explosion of poetry and art, which continues today.


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"Room 15 / Beat Hotel on the Left Bank of Paris, was the great William Burroughs. He was finishing off his novel, "Naked Lunch". This was due to be published by Maurice Girodias of Olympia Press. Burroughs was described by his friend, Allen Ginsberg, as "Satanic Bill”.

- HC

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