鬼の子 | ハル https://t.co/GchKJHfQ5S

インディペンデンスデイ | たいめ https://t.co/0cHi7hkxI2

攘夷時代桂 | 烏鴨 https://t.co/eXlp62yiZn

日傘と紫陽花 | こばじ https://t.co/OcToDJJoHw

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I'll try to do the fav character bust up once at week... the problem is that I have... A LOT ol< Gintama is also my fav manga/anime EVER and... All the characters are so lovable! is really difficult to draw!

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honestly i need to draw more but what is my draw-less life now

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if you eat too much sugar it'll go straight to your balls and make them explode...!!

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