Two images from Pinterest and their labels: Officers glare by ThemeFinland on DeviantArt, & Tavern - the Mermaid Earl Lan,

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anti-glare fanclub

2 31

A Ninetales and Serperior request! It is vindictive and relentless by nature. It can stop its opponents’ movements with just a glare and curse them for a thousand years.

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Emerald dragon long rainy clouds golden eyes storm sea wings fire breath haze burn rolling frying splash red tongue crystal scale sharp nail dragon wings white big fang glare hands neck thunder shout pressure golden belly golden horns frying view
Bing 画像作成者|1024 × 1024 jpg

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Emerald dragon long rainy clouds yellow eyes storm sea wings fire breath haze burn rolling frying splash red tongue crystal scale sharp nail dragon wings white fang glare hands neck thunder shout pressure hair goldenhorn
Bing 画像作成者|1024 × 1024 jpg|1 分前

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Emerald dragon long cloud yellow eyes storm sea wings fire breath haze burn rolling frying splash red tongue crystal scale nail wings fang glare hands neck thunder rain
Bing 画像作成者|1024 × 1024 jpg|1 分前

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Emerald dragon crystal long cloud storm wings fire breath lough haze burn rolling frying lake splash shining. Eyes tongue crystal scale nail wings fang glare distant view tail smallhands thunderbreath
Bing 画像作成者|1024 × 1024 jpg|12 分前

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Emerald dragon crystal long cloud storm wings fire breath lough haze burn rolling frying lake splash shining. Eyes tongue crystal scale nail wings fang glare distant view tail smallhands thunderbreath
Bing 画像作成者|1024 × 1024 jpg|3 分前

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Emerald dragon crystal breath moon frying fire old lake splash shining. Eyes tongue crystal scale darknight front fang glare
Bing 画像作成者|1024 × 1024 jpg|2 分前

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emerald dragon crystal breath moon frying fire old lake splash shining. Eyes tongue crystal scale front fang glare
Bing 画像作成者|1024 × 1024 jpg|1 分前

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// BBBGLXS2 spoiler

This is so funny how Yaanari and Gardu glare to e/o til deth while Blaze and Ice just synchronize themselves 😭😭😭

30 201

Something cool - Monistera
Something cute - Nyin & Nyang
Something Ugly - Jugglare
Something Controversial - Moscalpel

13 91

he keeps on getting tia's attention as asking who she is looking at, who she will doing it other than him.. he even glared at the other boy who tia smiled for when they bumped on them accidentally👀

10 94

He’s not sure what bothers him more. The audacity to flirt with her in his face, or her flustered reaction.

It’s okay when he does it, but glares when others do it.

All in the name of being her shadow, of course. Nothing more…

36 120

We tend to miss or not perceive subtle energies as they get lost in the glare of our physical reality.


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