New Cover Art for 's KILL HILL CARNAGE!

Available 6.3.22 from . Mark your calendars!

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Grind the homage to the house of Beauticool smothered in smutty delicious trash that melts our movie souls!

Sooty 💚 Xx

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Grindhouse Nights: noche de slasher rarunos con la oscura, inquietante y perversa Deadly Games (gracias por ka recomendacion a y )+La iniciacion, un body count con twist final y climax muy cobseguifo en un centro comercial de noche.

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Here you go: The Somethingth Annual Daily Grindhouse Bizarro Oscars! Our voters got together to highlight some of our favorite movies from 2021 that you won’t hear about at the real tomorrow. Do you love giant monsters and Nicolas Cage? Come on in!

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GLITTER VIPERS explores the legitimacy and value of queer rage, in a neon noir glitter grindhouse revenge fantasy

As drag queen Bi Phallicia forms a street gang to protect the Manchester Gay Village from 'phobes and bigots with a sequined baseball bat

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We at have a whole host of genre - adult-only grindhouse gorefests in "Slaughterhouse Farm" and the suitable-for-adults-and-teens "Mandy the Monster Hunter" dark fantasy series. We love Horror, Monsters, and Imagination!

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Today’s absolutely ridiculous

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Our new comic DeadCON is releasing soon. A tribute to in manga! it’s pretty unique ☺️

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The Dead will rise and the bullets will fly in DEADCon, a Grindhouse manga unlike anything you’ve seen before.

DEADCon: Welcome to the last con you’ll attend.

Premiering February 14th, 2022.

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This Valentine’s Day… Spill some guts to your beloved and revel in the carnage that is DEADCon. Give the gift of Grindhouse entertainment in manga format to the ones you love on February 14th. On the app!

This Valentine’s Day will be your last.

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26日、27日共に、徳島club GRINDHOUSEの長谷川さん、高知X-pt./ri;verのカズさん、松山Double-u studioのヤマダイさんと、四国店長'Sとして動きますっ!!



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1/21金 JaaBourBonzサポート@徳島GRINDHOUSE

1/23日 JaaBourBonzサポート@高知中央公園

1/26水 鮭オーケストラ!と四国店長's@高知X-pt.

1/30日 NEEDER@高知X-pt.



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I'll add because they are a complete grindhouse since the beginning. Never faltering and always catering to their holders. Art is fire. Team is fire.

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