Oh my goodness! Just discovered you but I love your style! Congrats on your first 100! I’d have to say my favorite candy is… konpeito or anything gummi from Haribo. Here’s my girl, Zell, for your consideration!

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Favourite candy is Strawberry gummies 🤤 and my character Rhiannon ❤️

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🔴LIVE RN🔴I miss hanging out >>>:c WE'RE HANGING OUT!!!


7 46

I sniped this bear but he’s really really really growing on me 🤣🤣 would love a killatoy of him specifically one day. Or he would make some great cbd gummies with killakush. Also could put the head put on a tshirt and rock it with my other Killawear. Hmm 🤔

18 102

This has been a rough ass day y'all. Dad Wuff cannot wait to get home, down a gummi and sink into a tingly bliss.

He is also excited to return to Twitch tomorrow night and see all you wonderful furs again!

8 62

Not even listed for 30minutes and had to take the sniper out this morning for this CLEAN gummy!! WE LIKE THEM BEARS

Been eyeing gummies for last few weeks can’t believe this one pops up w/ the shades and naked 😎

49 171

For the real OGs... the Gummi Ship! All 25 of our 1 of 1s have a unique pop culture theme! Drop your thoughts on this piece below 👇. Imagine minting this 👀💎!

29 41

anyway have recent doodles (Gummi belongs to @/kibitonini)

2 5

Spaaaaaaaceeee 🛸 Finished for now! May add extra lil worms in the futureee

8 48

A quick gift for my dear friend !!
May you continue to be a present in the present. 🎁🧸🎀
Let's share gummies someday :3

2 12

Another cutie joins the PNGummi Club!! I really loved doing the blue hair on this one! 💙

1 17

Gummi or fishsagi haha kann mich noch nicht entscheiden aber model giveaway von Papa? Da bin ich dabei !

0 3

Okay okay okayyy… Something else then socks 😂

Green Apple VS Red Strawberry
What Killabear Gummie flavor do you like???


6 50

Limited edition XL calcium gummies https://t.co/dElea3o8hp

198 1144

So glad the fruit gummies have gotten a lot of attention, here's what they look like grown-up

Nothing bad happens to any of them trust me :]

3 47

What candy represents your fursona?

Orange slice gummies are scrumptious tbh idk🙏🔥🔥 https://t.co/GBwZlXEcVI

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4 Games that shaped my childhood

fun fact, when i was a kid i would get out of doing things on weekends by telling my mom i had to do my 'grown up job' which was either doing another playthru of WW or farming gummi ship levels in KH2 https://t.co/weAqpTGWa5

0 8

Seriously, I die from kindness, bweeeh ;;;^;;;

You all have been waaaay to kind to me over the years


4 23

The part-time maid, !!!He’s a very kind and supportive person in the VTubing community! Also loves his gummies xD Go check him out at https://t.co/pUJTgtkftc ~

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