533 - Gurdurr
Type: Fighting

This Pokémon is so muscular and strongly built that even a group of wrestlers could not make it budge an inch.

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533 - Gurdurr
Type: Fighting

This Pokémon is so muscular and strongly built that even a group of wrestlers could not make it budge an inch.

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O dólar subiu para R$5,33 😢

- Gurdurr

243 1595

Another lit stream 😌🦙 thanks to the peeps who came to chill ;) here are the highlights of today: furfru winning a ribbon and gurdurr playing with some pokebabies ❤️🦙🎨🎨 ill be streaming again on wednesday ;)

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Woah, Kascadian Gurdurr and Conkeldurr have added mastery over plants on top of their fighting strength and prowess. They help regrow the forests after they help the lumber industry chop 'em down!

57 1023

is the coach of the Irish Igglybuffs of the Kanto North division. His team is made up of Cinderace, Gastrodon, Gurdurr, Durant, Mr. Rime, and Liepard.

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3653 RE!!

As much as I still want Adamant Shiny Palpitoad and Throh, I think this will be my last Pinwheel Shiny in BW2. Gonna go back to Giant Chasm next!

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Daily Pokémon | 日常ポケモン
Time: 40 minutes | 40分
I’m so tiiired, goodnight everyone. | とても疲れている、おやすみなさい、みんな。


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8330 RE!

Female AND Adamant AND Sheer Force!!!! I couldn't ask for a more perfect Shiny Gurdurr!

5 40

Gurdurr y Conkeldurr en ! Hacen referencia a un aizcolari (en euskera, aitzkolari), cortador de troncos con hacha en el deporte aizkora jokoa.

Me divertí mucho dibujándolos. ❤

13 50

Bismuth would definitely be a gurdurr, even included her new movie outfit~

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Pokémon RO ExtraRandomlocke Ep42

Cuando parecía que todo estaba hecho, un Gurdurr con Ilusión de Gardevoir da el golpe de gracia a Aaron tras la masacre de Landorus con pájaro osado. Puede que halla terminado el viaje, pero siempre es un buen momento para empezar uno nuevo...


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